Fordham GSAS: Grad. Life: Some links to upcoming events in the GSAS

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some links to upcoming events in the GSAS

Linked together in the GSAS!

Hi Readers,
     Wednesday is a wonderful day of the week -- closing in on the weekend, but still a decent amount of time to get things done before another week is over.
      I wanted to link the blog up with a few things going on around the GSAS in the coming weeks. These are all listed on the GSAS newsletter, which can you can sign up to receive here.
     On Monday, October 29, the second round of the GSAS's "Improv Training" will be held in the O'Keefe Commons in O'Hare Hall (at Rosehill) from 4 to 7pm. The improv training, geared towards increasing communication skills in the academic world, is based on actor/entertainer/writer/director/Fordham Alumni Alan Alda's techniques for building communication skills through creative, improvisational play and interactive exercises. Check out this article which appeared on the Fordham Notes Blog when the program was introduced at Orientation this year.You can register for the event here.Part Three of this series will be held on November 5th. Register for part three at this link.
     On Wednesday, October 31st, there is a workshop entitled "Understanding the Distinguished Fellowships," for any and all graduate students who want some detailed information on the types of fellowships available to graduate students, and the process involved in applying for and receiving one of these prizes. Register here; the event will be held from 2 to 3:30 in Dealy Hall at Rose Hill.
    The following day, on Thursday November 1, speaker Cassie Sklarz from Career Services will give a presentation entitled "How To Network." This talk will be held from 3 to 4:30, in Keating 124. Register here. 
    Next Wednesday, on November 7th, The Fordham Graduate Digital Humanities group and the GSAS will co-sponsor "You Online: Developing Your Online Academic Presence." The event will take place in the Flom Auditorium, in the Walsh Library at Rose Hill, from 11 to 3. From 11 to 12, there is a talk open to the entire Fordham community, by Michael Mandiberg, of the CUNY grad center. Then, after lunch, representatives from each department will participate in a workshop focusing on creating a WordPress site. More information about the entire event can be found here. Register for this event at this link! It should be a wonderful opportunity to get you thinking about how to make your academic presence known on-line, using best practices that will carve out your identity in a professional, smart, door-opening way.
     I hope you enjoy and take advantage of these great opportunities provided by our GSAS. 
      And don't forget to "LIKE" our Grad.Life blog page on Facebook!

      Until next time, Liza

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