Fordham GSAS: Grad. Life: Passing the Baton

Friday, June 24, 2011

Passing the Baton

Hello everyone!

My name is Naima, and I’m delighted to be taking over the Fordham GSAS: Grad Life Blog. I have big shoes to fill since Alex Loizzo, long-time writer for this blog, did such a fantastic job creating an online community for GSAS students, friends of Fordham, and other graduate students near and far.

Alex has graduated and is moving on – but the Grad Life Blog lives!

I just finished my first year as a Master’s student in the English program and Creative Writing Concentration at Fordham. I am still processing and reveling in all that I learned about grad life, writing, and myself.

This summer I’ll share my insights on life as a grad student in New York City and at Fordham University. My hope is that this blog will be a space for all of us to explore how grad life is changing because of social media, the current political and economic climate, and other cultural shifts.

In short, I am aiming for a broad but also an intimate scope.

I would love to hear your feedback on my posts, as well as any questions you might have about life at Fordham. Suggestions for future blog posts are very, very welcome.

The more interactive and participatory this blog can be, the better.

Here’s to a great summer!

-- Naima Coster

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