Fordham GSAS: Grad. Life: "I haven't taken leave of my senses... I've come to them" -- Merry Christmas to All!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"I haven't taken leave of my senses... I've come to them" -- Merry Christmas to All!!!

Hello GSAS Grad.Life readers!
      I am hoping you all have a wonderful holiday. It is the season to be with family, and to remember what is important in life, and to be grateful for it.
     Congratulations on finishing the semester -- now it is time to celebrate! You've earned it!
My favorite traditions:
homemade pizza on Christmas Eve, jigsaw puzzles, homemade cookies, driving around to see the lights with my brother and sisters, watching Alastair Sims as Scrooge with my dad and mom, my mom's beautiful tree and my parent's beautiful Christmas village, listening and dancing to favorite christmas carols, singing and playing guitar with my husband at the family Christmas Eve party, matching PJ's from my mom for me and my sisters
.... love them all!!! What are some of yours? Here's my favorite scene:

Well... I will be back very soon with more posts -- back in the swing of things before the week is over! :) But for now, enjoy your holiday traditions and time off!
Until next time, Liza

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