Fordham GSAS: Grad. Life: October Days in the GSAS

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Days in the GSAS

Happy October!
       Here are some upcoming events to put on your calendar for this month! I will feature more events as the dates get closer.
      On Friday, Oct. 12, the GSAS will hold its annual Scholarships and Achievements Celebration. Congratulations to all recipients -- you've worked so hard, and here is your chance to be honored and to celebrate! Join the GSAS in the Lowenstein Building at Lincoln Center, in the 12th Floor Lounge. The event begins at 6:30pm.  
       On Monday, Oct. 15, the Center for Medieval Studies will be sponsoring a lecture by Dr. Liesbeth van Houts, history professor, fellow, and director of studies at University of Cambridge. The talk, the second of the Medieval Studies' Lecture Series this semester, is entitled "The Fate of Priests' Sons c1100, with Special Reference to Serlo of Bayeux." Dr. van Houts specializes in Medieval History and Latin, Anglo-Norman history, medieval historiography and literature, and gender studies in the Middle Ages. According to her university profile, she also enjoys hiking in Wales and reading contemporary Dutch literature -- I wish I could go on a hike with her and find out more about her amazing career and discuss the colonial ghosts in Dutch novels! The talk begins at 5:15pm at McGinley Center, Faculty Lounge -- check it out! 
       Next, Fordham's Latin American and Latino Studies Institute will host a lecture on Wednesday, Oct. 17, by Dr. Barry Carr, entitled "Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Exiles." Dr. Carr is one of the top scholars in the field of Latin American studies, with special interest in the cultural, social, and economic histories of Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and the Caribbean. He is currently teaching a course for the LALS as a visiting professor; his course is entitled "Testimony and Revolution in Latin America: Reading Testimonios by Women and Men Activists from Central and South America, 1960-1992," and we welcome him to Fordham. SPECIAL NOTE: The LALS will be holding a Welcoming Reception for Dr. Carr tomorrow evening, Oct. 2, at 5pm in the McGinley Center, Room 236. But even if you can't make tomorrow's reception, be sure to put Dr. Carr's Oct. 17th talk into your calendars! 
       These events are sure to enrich your October here in the GSAS. Let me know if you plan on attending any of them! Plenty more to come from Grad.Life this month! 
         In the meantime, enjoy these first days of one of my favorite months of the year! 
---- Liza 

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