Do you think graduate students
have a responsibility to the people in their lives to bridge the gap between their own academic interests
and the current popular trends of knowledge in their field?
My question of the day stems from a kind of
dilemma I have been enduring during the last several years as an English
Literature PHD student developing my dissertation. People in my life associate
my line of work with reading books, and thereby the said people in my life
expect me to know and be up on all the great new novels and biographies and
poetry collections as they are published and released. I always feel
terribly guilty and ineffectual when I have not yet read the book that they
want to discuss.
The despairing truth is, though, that it is very difficult to
read anything at this time in my life except my dissertation materials. I can
barely get through journals in my field let alone check out the latest American
novel from my local library. My friends and family look at me with shades of
disappointment, skepticism, and even disdain when I say, “No I haven’t gotten
around to The Marriage Plot,” and “No,
I haven’t read the new Abraham Lincoln biography,” and “No, actually I can
not intelligently comment on the Pulitzer Prize board’s decision to not award a
prize for fiction this year. The sad fact is that I haven’t read any of the
nominated books, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you if there were other ones
that were better this year anyway.” Sigh… and the saddest part is, for
me, the disdain or disappointment I see when I explain my lack of current
literary prowess mirrors my own feelings. It just seems wrong.
Partly, it’s obviously a problem
of time. I just simply have such a limited amount of time in general, and so
the first thing that goes out the proverbial window is reading for pleasure.
Also, I have come to think of this problem partly as an effect of
specialization. As a graduate student gets further and further into her
program, she is working to narrow her scope, to focus on a topic, to become a
specialist in an era, a topic, a set of authors, a region. It seems parallel to
perhaps what would happen if you asked the attorney in your family to look over
your new employment contract only to be told that her specialization is
bankruptcy and so no, sorry, she can not really help.
I wonder if students across other
disciplines in the GSAS have the same problem – do biology students who are
studying the ecology of the wood turtle in the Delaware Water Gap feel badly
when they can’t provide informed answers to Grandpa’s questions about the
flesh-eating bacteria cases cropping up in Georgia? Do psychology students
studying the psychological adjustment in pregnant orthodox Jewish women have to
find ways to explain away their lack of intimacy about the various treatments
for autism that their Aunt Sally keeps emailing them about?
I’ve found a small way to cram
in some popular literature into my life—on my commute, I listen to audio book
recordings that I’ve checked out of the town library. I love a good story, but
part of the reason I am doing it is to try to stay in the conversation
surrounding popular literature. It feels like a good use of my time as a
scholar – since I can’t exactly study or research in my car, at least I can do
something to contribute to my perceived role as a mouthpiece for the
literary world.
And so, with real no solution in
sight, I want to circle back to my first question – is it a responsibility of
mine as a literature scholar to stay current with the works of literature that
my friends, family, New Yorkers, Americans, etc, are talking about today? As
graduate students, is it not only our responsibility but also part of our jobs
to serve as interlocutors between our subjects and society at large? Do you
face similar issues? How do you view these problems, and how do you view our
role in society at large?